A4 Poster Frame (Coloured)


Brightly coloured aluminium poster frames are ideal for mounting posters and notices such as health and safety, mandatory, and first ad. The frames simply snap open and closed to change the poster. Available in 7 sizes to take all A sized posters between A4 and A0 plus the most popular B sized posters.

Please select your preferred option from the list below then add to comments at checkout – Thank you

Black, Blue, Green, Red, White



Brightly coloured aluminium poster frames are ideal for mounting posters and notices such as health and safety, mandatory, and first ad. The frames simply snap open and closed to change the poster. Available in 7 sizes to take all A sized posters between A4 and A0 plus the most popular B sized posters.

Please select your preferred option from the list below then add to comments at checkout – Thank you

Black, Blue, Green, Red, White

Unit: each

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